Gradient Text To apply a gradient colour effect to a text element such as a paragraph or heading, you will need to use a custom class. The steps below will guide you through the process.
Changing Navigation Font Size There are various ways to change the font size of the links found within the navigation Bric, the easiest way is using the project global typography settings. Here you will find a dedicated option for styling navigation links.
Full screen menu background colour The Problem I want to customise the background colour of the full screen special navigation menu. The Solution To apply...
Missing SVG images The Problem I just uploaded my site to my server and SVG images are not loading. The Solution You may...
EU Cookie Consent If you are building a site for a client in the EU, you may need to add a cookie policy...
Link to a Bloc on another page The Problem I want to link to a Bloc on another page, but I can’t see an option to do...
Styling Navigation Active Page Blocs lets you easily control the visual style of navigation links that match the web browsers current page URL. From...
Hide sidebars The Problem Is it possible to hide the user interface sidebars within Blocs? The Solution Yes, there are various ways...
Style single word The Problem I want to style a single word within in a paragraph or header. The Solution 1. First select...
Purge Project Data Blocs comes with a selection of purge options that are designed to clear key pieces of data that are stored...