
Blocs allows you to easily integrate forms into your projects using the various form and input Brics available.

Setting up a form

To begin setting up a form, first select the main form container. The easiest way to find the form container is by selecting one of the input fields nested within the form and then using the layer tree to navigate up the structure tree until you find the main form container layer which will be named Form.

You will now be presented with the form options on the sidebar menu. The two main sections that require attention are the Sendto and From input fields. In the Sendto field, enter the email address you would like the forms data sent to and in the From field, enter the email address you would like the form to be posted via (this data will show in your email client as sent from). With these options set correctly the form should operate as desired after your project is exported as long as the site is hosted on a web server that supports PHP.

As well as the Sendto and From input fields, there is also another field labelled Subject, use this input field to set the subject line for the emails that will be sent from this form.


Form Events

From the form options you can also set the success interaction and the fail message for the selected form. The success interaction is triggered if the form is successfully posted and the fail message is shown if there is a problem that prevents the form from posting.

The success interactions offer three options that can be triggered when a form is successfully posted. The first and most basic is to show a success message on the same page, the second is to go to a specific page in your Blocs project and the third is to go to a specific URL.



Although Blocs creates all of the required PHP server side code to process and post forms, remember form posting will not work when your site is run from a computer desktop. Forms will only be processed and sent when hosted on a web server with PHP support.

Trouble Shooting

If your form is not sending, first check your spam folder at your receiving email address in case the emails have been moved there accidentally by the email client. Also check your Blocs project to confirm that all of the Bric items within the form such as text fields, radios and checkboxes have unique ID’s set. Finally, check that the server you are running your site from supports PHP and most importantly, it supports the PHP: mail request as some server providers have it disabled by default.

If the problem persists, contact support here.

Updated on 6th August 2020

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