Custom Class Video Course This video course covers the basics and some more advanced techniques of styling elements using custom classes. Basics Advanced
Toggle Navigation BreakPoint Websites built with Blocs use the Bootstrap framework, when a site that uses Bootstrap is viewed on a mobile device,...
Scroll FX Blocs comes with various animation features, however, Scroll FX are probably the most captivating as they allow you to animate...
Animation Blocs comes with various animation features that let you quickly and easily add eye catching animations to any elements on...
Opacity There are times when you may wish to make a Bric semi transparent. Blocs allows you to do this either...
Duplicate Bloc You can easily duplicate any element in Blocs using either the keyboard shortcut ⌘D, or by simply right clicking an element and selecting duplicate from the contextual menu.
Gradient Background To apply a gradient colour effect to a Blocs background, you will need to use a custom class. The steps below will guide you through the process.
Changing Navigation Font Size There are various ways to change the font size of the links found within the navigation Bric, the easiest way is using the project global typography settings. Here you will find a dedicated option for styling navigation links.
Styling Navigation Active Page Blocs lets you easily control the visual style of navigation links that match the web browsers current page URL. From...
Modals Blocs lets you easily add modals (more commonly known as pop-ups) to your web pages using the dedicated Modal Bric...